Public Toilets in Town
Travellers Rest and Comfort Stop
Kirkland Avenue West, Euroa - Open 24 Hrs
Wheelchair Accessibility - Water available
Male, Female, Unisex, Parents Change Room.
Amble parallel parking - Adjacent to Seven Creeks Park picnic tables and Rotary electric BBQ facilities.
Opposite the Tesla EV Charging Station. Short walk to VC Memorial Park and Rotary playground.
Provided by Strathbogie Shire.
Brock Street Euroa located in Telegraph Park next to the Euroa Post Office and Shopping Centre.
Unisex Toilets, Unisex Ambulant Toilets & Unisex Wheelchair and Parents Room.
Angle parking near Supermarket and Medical Clinic.
Hemley Street, Euroa - Lions Park - near Caltex Service Station​ on Clifton Street (Old Hume Hwy).
Easy parallel parking - BBQ & picnic facilities, playground and half basketball court.